Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pull me into your Perfect Circle

Hello my friends!!!!

How have you been? I've been doing many fun things! One of which wasn't BIG DAY OUT! WOO! Oh wait I said wasn't :P Tool was there, and Tool are amazing. Actually Maynard is amazing. I'm a big Maynard fanboy, so obviously I have been even more obsessed since he came and went and I didnt even get to hear him sing *sobs*.

So anyway, obsessively searching him on the intraweboland, I came across a pretty rendition of 3 Libras (by A Perfect Circle, a band Maynard also waves his magical Maynardness on), and I figured why not try and sing it! The only issue is I've dont have any recording equipment so I just sang softly into my laptop and tried to make some dynamics with harmonies. Here is the end result! What do you think? :)


Hey you know how I'm always all like "yeah but I'm totally el-grosso in real life"? Well, I think it's time you saw the real me, no makeup, no photo-chop, but brace yourself. I look like your regular doochebag!

Are you ready?

Reaaaaaly ready?

Are you sure you want to see this?

I dont want your fantasasies of how awesome I may or may not be to be ruined. TURN BACK NOW!

Are you sure?? If you keep scrolling, you cant unsee this you know.

Aaaaalright, you asked for it!

(screaming noises)

Haha! Sorry, it had to be done :P This is me really really. Be kind ok? *grits teeth clecnhes fists and squeezez her eyes shut*

(screaming noises)

Hey! To quickly change the topic, totally look at how cool my workstation set up is at work! How awesome is this!!!!!!!!! I'm like, the luckiest Cubical Warrior in the WHO-E-O-E-O-E-OLE world! (No I'm seriously I am really insanely lucky)

It's time for! [Trumpet Noises]....


This is the best thing ever: (no exageration)

And I dont know if you've been alive for the last year or not, but Zach Anner is BACK! And still giantly hilarious :D I got some huge belly laughs out of this one.

WELL! How was THAT for a BLOG ATTACK! RaNdOm CaPiTaLs!

I'd better let you get on with your daily life now. You know, the normal kind. The one without the constant irritation that is Ammageddon :) I'll leave you with another pic from the nun set :)

Speak to you soon my good friends :)


1 comment:

  1. Yo stumbled apon this by accident honestly... just saying hi. Are you still in a band? is Graham? Your looking chipper, love the workstation it's the bomb. Still cannot get enough JV :) Latez goto delete me history now lol. Europir8 nay Vamppir8. xx
