Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Xmas Everyone!

Hello everyone!

I hope you had a good day yesterday! Even if you dont celebrate xmas I hope you just had a wonderful day in general :)

Hey you know what, the other day someone told me nothing rhymes with orange, but it DOESNT!

Here is a video of me being upside down at the gym. It's fun. Those rings are supremo awesomo funno fest! :D

I got something awesome for xmas! want to know what it is? GUESS! :D

When I opened it I scratched at the box and yelled "OH MY GOOOOOOD" in the traditional fashion, dont worry :P

Speaking of, here's the obligatory video of someone being super stoked at Christmas over a console :)

(Whether its real or not it dooeesssnnt matter :) )

As for cool things on the internet, this is a short flash game you should play.

But that was [YESTERDAY]

It's beautiful it really is!

And that's the internet as per me for the day!

I will leave you with another of my pics! This one is from one of my favourite sets. I'm a sailor! YAY! Well I looked more like one earlier in the set... before the moar nakedness! :) I hope you're all wonderful and happy and full of cheese!

And in case you're reading this from Mars - bleeeoo waaaah nitnitnit pooweeeee nafaaarrrtch!


  1. Hey girl, looking great!!!

    My new blog is going to be on blogger too!
